Watchword for 
 June 2024

 Moses said, "Do not be afraid,
 hstand firm, and see the
 deliverance that the Lord
 will accomplish for zoou today"

 Exodus 14:13

Monatsspruch für  
Juni 2024   

Mose sagte: Für chtet euch 
 nicht! Bleibt stehen und 
schaut zu, wie der HERR 
euch heute rettet! 

2. Mose 14,13 

Agenda / Veranstaltungen June / Juni 2024:

  Sa 01 Jun 24    
  02 Jun 2024
09:30 (D)
1. Sonntag nach Trinitatis
mit Abemndmahl
  Mo 03 Jun 24    
  Di 04 Jun 24    

Mi 05 Jun 24

  Do 06 Jun 24   
  Fr 07 Jun 24   
  Sa 08 Jun 24   
  09 Jun 2024
2nd Sunday after Trinity
Divine Service
with Holy Communion
  Mo 10 Jun 24    
  Di 11 Jun 24   
  Mi 12Jun 24   
  Do 13 Jun 24   
  Fr 14 Jun 24   
  Sa 15 Jun 24   
  16 Jun 2024
3rd Sunday after Trinity
Divine Service
with Holy Communion
Fathers Day Tea after Service
  Mo 17 Jun 24
  Di 18 Jun 24   
  Mi 19 Jun 24   
  Do 20 Jun 24   
  Fr 21Jun 24
  Sa 22 Jun 24   
  23 Jun 2024
4th Sunday after Trinity
Divine Service
with Holy Communion

  Mo 24 Jun 24
  Di 25 Jun 24   
  We 26 Jun 24
  Do 27 Jun 24    
  Fr 28 Jun 24    
  Sa 29 Jun 24     
  30 Jun 2024
5th Sunday after Trinity
Family Service
with Holy Communion

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